Boys & Sex

Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity by Peggy Orenstein

Peggy Orenstein’s Boys & Sex is a revealing and thought-provoking exploration into the complex world of young men and their experiences with sex and masculinity. Following her bestselling book Girls & Sex, Orenstein shifts her focus to the often-unspoken struggles and pressures boys face in today’s society.

In Boys & Sex, Orenstein dives deep into the minds of young men, sharing their candid stories and perspectives on a wide range of topics, including hookups, love, pornography, and consent. Through extensive interviews, she uncovers the internal conflicts and societal pressures that shape their attitudes and behaviors.

One of the book’s core themes is the concept of “the new masculinity”—a shift towards a more nuanced and empathetic understanding of what it means to be a man in the modern world. Orenstein challenges traditional gender norms and encourages readers to rethink stereotypes about masculinity, emphasizing the importance of vulnerability and emotional honesty.

Orenstein’s skill as an interviewer shines through in this book. She creates a safe space for young men to express their fears, desires, and confusions, resulting in an honest and raw portrayal of their experiences. Her conversations reveal the complexities of their lives and the need for better communication and education about sex and relationships.

Through these interviews, Orenstein highlights the gap between what boys are taught about sex and what they actually experience. She addresses the impact of pornography on expectations, the challenges of navigating consent, and the importance of healthy relationships built on mutual respect and understanding.

Boys & Sex is a powerful call to action for parents, educators, and society at large to engage in meaningful conversations with young men about sex, consent, and emotions. Orenstein advocates for comprehensive sex education that goes beyond mechanics to include discussions about intimacy, respect, and empathy.

The book empowers readers to challenge outdated notions of masculinity and encourages young men to embrace their true selves without fear of judgment. Orenstein’s empathetic approach fosters a deeper understanding of the issues young men face and how we can support them in navigating these challenges.

Boys & Sex by Peggy Orenstein is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the evolving landscape of masculinity and sexuality. Her blend of personal stories, expert insights, and cultural analysis offers a fresh perspective on how young men can redefine what it means to be male in today’s world.

Whether you’re a parent, educator, or simply curious about the topic, this book provides valuable insights into the minds of young men and offers hope for a more open and compassionate dialogue about sex and relationships. Boys & Sex is a compelling and enlightening read that inspires change and understanding.