Danny & Mara – About Love 

We are love-obsessed coaches, retreat hosts, speakers, and bloggers.

And it’s our life’s passion to serve individuals who seek to be happier and have more self-worth – regardless of their relationship status or circumstance. We believe aligning with LOVE in more radical ways is how you do it. And we’d love to teach you how. Because we believe it is the SECRET to healthier relationships and a more radiant life.

We’ve now had over 10 million hits on A Blog About Love, hosted dozens of retreats on 3 continents and in 30 cities, mentored countless people (via Skype) from our home office in the Andes, written nearly 1,000 blog posts, and received over 16,000 blog comments and thousands of emails from people all over the world that have said our message has changed their lives.

After more than a decade of studying love and transformation and learning from many mentors, you could say we’re well versed in talking and teaching about love. It’s our life’s passion to pass on the wisdom we’ve learned.

The Reason We Do What We Do…

I once was completely miserable, unempowered, and had no self-worth.

That was a combination that lead to poor choices, not using my voice, finding myself in plenty of less than ideal circumstances & relationships (including a marriage), and subsequently going to bed every night with a sting in my heart.

I had zero skills for how to face all the unwanted circumstances on my plate (a loveless marriage, years of infertility, no ability to feel comfortable or confident in my own skin). But living that way is not sustainable. I was so sick of the drama and pain in my life that I could barely take it.

I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to be happy or to truly feel worthy as a woman—or to truly feel loved in a marriage. And one night I found myself leaving my apartment in Brooklyn to literally go to my car and SCREAM at 3 in the morning…

But, miracles do happen.

I am living proof. No, I never could have guessed that I would experience a miracle such as this. But, it happened. I found a way out of that deep pain and despair.

I used to think that complete and utter JOY and peace in my bones would only come if I had a baby or felt adored by my husband. But get this: I learned how to feel peace and happiness even though my actual circumstances did not improve. In fact, they got worse (my husband chose divorce and I’m now going on 13 years of infertility.) And yet, I learned to experience happiness in the midst of those experiences.

And it was real. It was so real I was getting stopped on the streets of New York and people were telling me I looked RADIANT and GLOWING – all the while there were divorce docs in my bag and unused fertility drugs in my fridge.