The Good Men Project

The Good Men Project® is not just a media company—it’s a movement, a conversation, and a space for transformative dialogue about modern masculinity. Founded in 2009 by Tom Matlack, The Good Men Project set out to redefine what it means to be a “good man” in the 21st century. With a mission to challenge conventional notions of masculinity and inspire personal growth, The Good Men Project has become a beacon for men seeking to navigate the complexities of contemporary life with integrity and authenticity.

Diverse community

At its core, The Good Men Project is a diverse community of thought leaders, activists, and everyday individuals committed to exploring the evolving roles of men in society. Through a range of multimedia platforms including podcasts, articles, books, and events, The Good Men Project fosters meaningful conversations about relationships, social justice, fatherhood, ethics, gender, politics, and more.

What sets The Good Men Project apart is not just the topics it covers, but the way it approaches them. Eschewing simplistic stereotypes and moralizing narratives, The Good Men Project provides a nuanced and inclusive space where men can explore their identities, challenge cultural norms, and engage in authentic self-expression. Whether delving into serious issues or sharing lighthearted anecdotes, the content reflects the multidimensional nature of modern masculinity.

Perspectives and experiences

The Good Men Project invites active participation from its audience through various channels. Contributors are encouraged to share their perspectives and experiences, amplifying diverse voices and fostering meaningful connections. Weekly calls on topics like sex, racism, sexism, and climate change provide opportunities for real-time dialogue and community engagement.

Premium membership offers exclusive benefits such as ad-free browsing, access to classes, and participation in corporate diversity and inclusion workshops. By joining The Good Men Project community, individuals gain not only valuable insights and resources but also a sense of belonging and support in their journey toward personal growth and social change.

Beacon of Hope

In a world where traditional notions of masculinity are being challenged and redefined, The Good Men Project stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment. It is the conversation no one else is having, and it’s changing lives, one story at a time.
