
Impact Magazine

IMPACT Magazine stands as an online, collaborative effort, driven by a multitude of authors, all hailing from the LGBTQ+ community of faith and spirituality. It serves as a platform dedicated to fostering Bold, Authentic, and Engaged living, delving into the myriad aspects of LGBTQ+ spiritual life within the realms of the Real World.

Our core mission is threefold: firstly, to provide a “safe space” where LGBTQ+ individuals can explore spirituality, rekindle faith, nurture hope, and foster spiritual growth. Secondly, we strive to cultivate a sense of community and belonging, reassuring readers that they are not alone in their spiritual journey. Thirdly, we aim to explore the intersection of spirituality, culture, and LGBTQ+ life, recognizing them as interconnected and complementary facets of existence.

Challenges and realities of everyday life

At IMPACT Magazine, we prioritize authenticity in addressing the challenges and realities of everyday life, unafraid to tackle topics that may be overlooked or dismissed by other faith-centric publications.

Our readership plays a pivotal role in sustaining IMPACT Magazine. We primarily rely on the generosity of donors to keep our platform operational and to continue delivering top-quality content on LGBTQ+ spirituality. We invite you to consider becoming a monthly supporter, contributing to the vitality of our community.

Dedication to Serve LGBTQ+ community

Furthermore, we extend an invitation to aspiring writers, both seasoned wordsmiths and newcomers alike, to share their thoughts and experiences with the world through our platform. Our submission guidelines offer a roadmap for sharing your literary creations with our audience.

Additionally, for graduate students dedicated to serving the LGBTQ+ community, particularly in the fields of theology, spirituality, ministry, or community service, we offer the IMPACT Scholarship. This fellowship program aims to alleviate the financial burden of tuition for students committed to uplifting and advocating for our community.
